Regularly mistaken for termites, Carpenter ants are a standout amongst the most widely recognized indoor creepy crawly pests in Florida and a standout amongst the hardest to control. Frightened homeowners regularly observe these ants searching or flying (particularly around evening time) and call with fears of their home’s structure being infested.
Carpenter Ants fabricate their homes or “displays” where water spillage could happen, for example, baths, sinks, rooftop spills, or inadequately fixed windows and door jambs. Carpenter ants rummaging in homes can be looking for desserts or dampness or even new settling locales, particularly in kitchens and restrooms. Open air homes are found in tree stumps, empty logs, fence posts and dead bits of standing trees. Should tall trees not be kept from contacting a home or place of business, searching access into homes and structures is likely.